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Last Updated: 26/Mar/2023

Servo Tester App For Flipper Zero

Added on 26/Mar/2023


Vid.1 - The final result.

I recently got my hands on a FlipperZero. If you've never heard about it, it's a small open source digital/radio multitool that is packed with features.

I wanted to create a servo tester app that behave similar to this one:

Servo Tester
Fig.1 - Servo Tester.

How are servo controlled anyway?

Servos commonly have 3 wires:

Servos are controlled by sending a PWM signal of variable width where the width of the pulse determines the position to be acheived by the servo.

The servo I had is SG90.

Servo Tester
Fig.2 - SG90 servo.
Servo Tester
Fig.3 - SG90 control datasheet.

So for this servo, we have to send a pwm signal with a duty cyle 20ms (50HZ). Then based on the width of the signal (time its on) we can tell it which angle to go to.

How to control using Flipper Zero

The default firmware for the Flipper already have a generator app.

The signal width generated by this app is controlled by a % of the frequency, which make it a bit tricky to have exact control of the angle of the servo.

Under the hood, the app use this api:

#include <furi_hal_pwm.h>

typedef enum {
} FuriHalPwmOutputId;

/** Enable PWM channel and set parameters
 * @param[in]  channel  PWM channel (FuriHalPwmOutputId)
 * @param[in]  freq  Frequency in Hz
 * @param[in]  duty  Duty cycle value in %
void furi_hal_pwm_start(FuriHalPwmOutputId channel, uint32_t freq, uint8_t duty);

/** Disable PWM channel
 * @param[in]  channel  PWM channel (FuriHalPwmOutputId)
void furi_hal_pwm_stop(FuriHalPwmOutputId channel);

/** Set PWM channel parameters
 * @param[in]  channel  PWM channel (FuriHalPwmOutputId)
 * @param[in]  freq  Frequency in Hz
 * @param[in]  duty  Duty cycle value in %
void furi_hal_pwm_set_params(FuriHalPwmOutputId channel, uint32_t freq, uint8_t duty);

To have finer control on the width, I checked furi_hal_pwm_set_params definition:

uint32_t freq_div = 64000000LU / freq;
uint32_t prescaler = freq_div / 0x10000LU;
uint32_t period = freq_div / (prescaler + 1);
uint32_t compare = period * duty / 100;

LL_TIM_SetPrescaler(TIM1, prescaler);
LL_TIM_SetAutoReload(TIM1, period - 1);
LL_TIM_OC_SetCompareCH1(TIM1, compare);
For our case, the freq is hard coded to 50HZ so these values become:
uint32_t freq_div = (64000000 / 50); // 1280000
uint32_t prescaler = freq_div / 0x10000; // 19
uint32_t period = freq_div / (prescaler + 1); // 64000
uint32_t compare = period * duty / 100; // 64000 * duty%

LL_TIM_* calls are used to instrument the STM32WB55 MCU used in the Flipper. Prescaler and AutoReload calls are used ensure that the counter fits.
For TIM1 the counter is 16-bit which mean the maximum value is 65535.

To calculate the compare value, I calculated the value for 0° & 180°:

I decided to increase this range a bit to corresponds to 3% and 13% so the min/max values are 1920/8320.
These values are set inside this functionuint32_t angle_to_compare(uint8_t angle).

Then to calculate each value I assign it a linear value from this range based on this formula:

uint32_t compare = min_compare + floor((angle / MAX_ANGLE) * (max_compare - min_compare));



The app have three modes:

Angle range is: 0° to 180°.


Working with the Flipper was very smooth, even though there aren't many tutorials, the api's and apps are well documented and the feedback loop was fast so I was able to iterate quickly on it.
Servo's in the wild have different duty cycles / signal width, please open an issue if you want the app to support a specific model.
You can check the code in this GitHub repository.

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